At Salcon, we strive to provide a positive working environment for our employees by creating opportunities for growth and development and encouraging work-life balance via talent development, embracing diversity and respect for human rights.
Human capital is one of the most valuable intangible assets of a company. At Salcon, we focus our energy on attracting and retaining talented individuals and encourage their growth and development within our Group. We work hard to achieve an environment in which individual and team efforts are rewarded and recognized, and employees are inspired to be a part of our organization. This includes numerous training, learning and development opportunities at each step along an employee’s career path and reward and recognition programmes for which all employees are eligible.
The employee training programme can be categorized into three specific purposes:

Certification requirement

Professional skills development

Management knowledge enhancement
We are committed to ensure that the employees are equipped with the best skill and knowledge to carry out their responsibilities and prepare them for the challenge sin a knowledge-based and skill demanding industry.
The diversity of the Group’s employees is a tremendous asset. We believe that fair and equitable treatment of employees, customers and suppliers and other persons is critical to fulfilling our visions and goals. It is therefore our policy to conduct the Group’s business, and to recruit, hire, train, promote, assign, transfer, layoff, recall and terminate employees, without regard to the race, color, religion, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age or disability of such person, or any other classification protected by applicable law. It is our policy to recruit, hire, train, promote, assign, transfer, layoff, recall and terminate employees based on their own ability, achievement, experience and conduct and other legitimate business reasons.
Salcon is committed to foster a respectful working environment to reduce discrimination and improve workforce diversity as well as equal opportunities. Through our Salcon Recreational Club (SRC), we conduct numerous annual activities to foster good relationship among employees and advocate respect each other regardless of difference in race, religion, gender, age, disabilities or nationalities.
We comply with the Malaysia Employment Act in our recruitment where it is the company’s policy to:
- Not employ child labour
Child labor is not allowed in the company under any circumstances. All employees must meet the minimum age requirement set by local laws. - Not employ forced labour
We will not employ forced labour, which consists of any work or service not voluntarily performed that is exacted from an individual under threat of forced or penalty. This covers any kind of involuntary or compulsory labour, such as indentured labour, bonded labour or similar labour-contracting arrangements. - Not discriminate & to respect the uniqueness of every employee
We will not tolerate harassment of any team member by any other team member or supervisor for any reason. In addition, harassment for any discriminatory reason, such as race, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age or religion, is prohibited by laws, which may subject the Group and/or the individual harasser to liability for any such unlawful conduct. The Group prohibits not only unlawful harassment, but also other unprofessional actions. Accordingly, derogatory racial, ethnic, religious, age, sexual orientation, sexual or other inappropriate remarks, slurs or jokes will not be tolerated. This is reflected in our Equal Opportunity Employment Policy (EOEP) and Sexual Harassment Policy. - Pay minimum wage, hours and benefits
We comply to all applicable wage laws of Malaysia for all employees, which include minimum wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits related matters. Working hours shall be limited to what is acceptable by local laws. It is our practice to offer wages exceeding the minimum requirement set by the Malaysia Employment Act should the employee possess relevant experience which fits the job requirements. - Ensure safe & healthy workplace
We provides a safe and healthy workplace and complies with applicable safety and health laws, regulations and internal requirements. .
As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and a company that puts sustainability at the core of our business growth, Salcon recognizes that commercial and social impact are inextricably linked. Salcon has signed the pledge to uphold the UNGC’s 10 principles on human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption. In particular, Salcon is committed to living up to the Compact’s Human Rights principles as below:

We uphold the rights of our stakeholders as employees, suppliers, sub-contractors, authority, clients, media, NGOs, community as well as public and support their rights to economic, cultural and social rights as well as freedom of expression.
To this end, we have in place a whistleblower and grievance mechanism with confideniality guarantee to ensure source protection to enable our stakeholders to report any wrongdoing through various of channels. Any breaches of human rights will be taken immediate action.